Top Five Tips To Get Ready For Summer!

The weather is getting warmer, flowers are blooming, and you’re starting to consider if a jacket is necessary or not, which can only mean one thing - summer is on its way! It’s time to shake off the chilly weather and look forward to some summer fun in the sun. 

Below, we have put together our top five simple but effective tips to prepare for the warm months to come.

  1. Set an achievable goal and write it down. There’s something about the weather warming up that makes us want to organise every aspect of our life, so take this opportunity to decide on a goal that you would like to achieve over the next few months. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it could be anything to do with health, mindfulness, productivity, organisation, or anything else that you think of. Write your goal down and start the steps to make it happen - not only will you be doing something new during summer but you will end your year on a high.
  2. Perfect your morning routine. Whatever your routine may include, now is the time to refine it. Include your ten minutes of meditation, cultivate your summer skin care routine, don’t pick up your phone straight away, learn how to make the perfect breakfast smoothie, create a playlist with all your favourite tunes, and of course shave with products that love your skin just as much as you do. We promise the Smooth Operator Razor Kit will be the best thing you add to your morning routine.
  3. Introduce dry body brushing. We’ve spoken about the benefits of dry body brushing so many times but it really is life changing. Getting into the habit of brushing your entire body will genuinely make a difference not only in the overall health of your skin, but also in its ability to absorb moisturising products. It’s time to remove dead skin that has accumulated over winter and get your summer glow on.
  4. Evaluate your sunscreen situation. We cannot stress enough how crucial it is to apply sunscreen everyday especially during the warmer weather. Check the expiration dates on your sunscreen as it is likely the products you’ve had since last summer could be coming to their end. Consider buying a new cream for your face and another for your body, and purchase them before the rush to buy sunscreen starts. Then you will be ready to enjoy the summer sun without fear of expired SPF or sunburn.
  5. Get your hair healthy. Your hair can cop a lot of damage from sun exposure, chlorine and sea salt during the summer months, so the healthier it is going into summer the better. Indulge by deep conditioning your hair once a week with a handful of coconut oil or a mask. Not only will your hair look super lush in time for summer, but it also wont get damaged as easily. 

As far as we’re concerned, it’s never too early to start thinking about summer. We all deserve to enter into the warmer months with confidence and these tips will definitely help you to do just that. Bring on long days, salty hair, and golden skin!

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