maskne: Ere Perez's top tips to naturally treat mask-related breakouts
We never anticipated having to deal with the skincare phenomenon now known as 'maskne'- but it is 2020. With masks becoming the new normal to protect ourselves and others from coronavirus and other contagious sicknesses, many of us are faced with the unfortunate downside of masks including pimples, acne and skin irritation. Such problems arise due to the warm, bacteria friendly environment that lives between our masks and skin. Fortunately, experts in the field Ere Perez, an Australian-based natural skincare and make up line have shared their top tips in preventing and ridding the face of maskne! Read more here.
Ere Perez's line is made from powerful botanical ingredients for clean, conscious living. Their carefully selected premium quality ingredients (oils, plant extracts and minerals) are blended with antioxidants to create a gentle, highly effective natural make-up solution.
Their philosophy "simple products made from powerful botanical ingredients to transform, nourish & create wellbeing."