Social distancing is the perfect opportunity to tackle all those “I really should” tasks to create daily healthy beauty habits. With the extra time at home, it's time to upgrade and optimise your personal care routines to create new long-lasting rituals!  

Here are our four top health beauty habits to start in isolation:

  1. A Face Mask. With the uncertainty surrounding us and added stress, it can wreak havoc to our skin. The plus side, you can apply a gentle face mask EVERY SINGLE DAY without the worry of scaring anyone (other than your household). The right face mask can rehydrate your skin, remove excess oils and impurities, and improve the appearance of your pores. We're in love with oatmeal masks as it provides a light exfoliation while nourishing the skin. Cook one serving of oatmeal and allow the mixture to cool before applying to the skin. Use the oatmeal alone or add in your preferred ingredients like honey, almond oil, mashed banana and/or lemon juice. Apply to your skin for 15 minutes and remove with a reusable cloth and warm water.
  2. Say goodbye to the hot tools! An empty calendar means no need to primp or tame the hair, let alone blow dry, straighten, curl  (ie. dry out) according to your social schedule. Take advantage of the time to repair, strengthen and give back the moisture it so desperately craves. Whilst you’re at it, schedule a regular hair mask and let it work its magic. One of our faves is an easy DIY recipe: 1 large egg yolk mixed with 2 tbsp of coconut oil and 2 tbsp of raw honey.  Mix and apply to dry hair, massaging into the scalp. Cover with a shower cap and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Commit to health. We’re talking regular water intake, daily vitamins and greens to boost your immunity, health, and appearance. Our morning ritual includes Morlife Beauty Greens followed by a post workout Collagen Beauty shake, plenty of greens, and antioxidants.
  4. Roll out. We’ve covered the face, hair and immunity but don’t neglect the muscles! We absolutely love a foam rolling session, and as painful as it can be it can do wonders for the body. It works by massaging fascia, stimulating the lymphatic system and in turn reducing muscle soreness, improving flexibility and your range of motion. Just 5 minutes if that is all you have to roll out. Pop on your favourite Netflix show, listen to your favourite tunes and roll it out. If you're not sure where to start, Youtube has some great foam rolling tutorials for beginners!

Now go and enjoy some indulgent time to yourself. 


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