The Small Collective magazine is an independent digital and print publication, based in Australia. A place to share and educate readers on how to live a happier and simpler life and find value in what we have. We want to support small and local (here in Australia). The Small collective magazine is aimed at women and men who are curious and mindful and looking for a new read that has all things arty, travel, craft, design, culture, nature, music, eco-friendly, fashion, photography, tips and tricks to a more sustainable way of life.

small collective interview with ritology
Here is our interview with Liv, the beautiful founder of Small Collective:

Firstly, Small Collective is one incredibly inspiring magazine not only educating readers on the future of sustainability but empowering conscious consumerism and living. How did Small Collective begin and tell more about what you represent or hope to achieve?

I am a designer + illustrator and not only the creator of the small collective but creator behind Olive Rose Designs, with this line of work I come across so many amazing and beautiful businesses, some that are just starting out or others that have been around for a while.  I have a love for the environment and a passion for understanding the life cycle of a product.  From this, the idea came to creating a mindful magazine to boost these amazing businesses, who often are stuck in the shadows until they cut a break.  I wanted to create a community of like-minded individuals ( big or small) and educate readers on the future of sustainability through empowering conscious consumerism and living. I hope to achieve a mindful collective hub of new or old businesses doing and creating a better future.      

The Small Collective magazine is an independent digital and print publication, based in Australia. A place where we want to share and educate our readers on how to live a happier and simpler life and find value in what we have. We want to support small and local (here in Australia).The Small collective magazine is aimed at women and men who are curious and mindful and looking for a new read that has all things arty, travel, craft, design, culture, nature, music, eco-friendly, fashion, photography, tips and tricks to a more sustainable way of life. So come along on this journey and get to know all the wonderful individuals, brands, and organizations that you may have never discovered without this lovely collective.

What quote do you live by? 

" A day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charlie Chaplin

What is your favourite self-care ritual that makes you feel good?

I love getting outdoors, breathing in the fresh air and I find going to the beach such a natural and easy  ritual to feel revived and refreshed.

Every print of Small Collective funds Women & Girls Education Programs. Tell us more about how this came to be?

An important part of creating this magazine was knowing that it wasn't adding more rubbish to this world, so I wanted to ensure that the printer I chose shared the same values.  With this in mind, I found a printer than enables our magazine to be printed on eco paper with eco ink.  Another important attribute was having the opportunity to support a nonprofit. Here through our beautiful printer who is partnered with CARE Australia, we were able to make this happen. Where through each print a percentage of funds are donated to support a project run by CARE Australia, in Cambodia. These Projects support girls from ethnic minorities through primary school. They also have projects in Nepal and Tanzania with two separate grassroots organisations. One funds skills training for women and the other provides education scholarships for girls in primary and high school. Previously they have also funded projects in Sierra Leone and Uganda, focusing on small business training and scholarships for girls in primary and high school.      

Each print run measures our impact on 'education days', so for every purchase, our printers let us know exactly how many days are helping to fund each project. Our Printers work closely with their charity partners to work out exactly (as close as possible) what an education day costs for each specific project - factoring in everything that is needed, school fees, uniforms, books, sanitary products, transport, etc. They do this because its more powerful,  than using a percentage of profits, as the impact is really very tangible for customers and clients. So every time you and a friend buy a magazine, you fund one day of education. 

You have interviewed and met some incredible people, businesses, organisations and the like. What is something or someone that has really stood out whether a quote, insight, funny store, etc?

Yes, I have been so lucky to interview many and I am constantly astounded by what amazing individuals, businesses and organisations there are in Australia. In regards to quotes I found two in particular that really stood out to me "stay true to yourself and the rest will come " - Adam Harpaz and "Do it for the love of it, not the money " - Tora, both are amazing at what they do with music and these words are relevant to how I see life and essentially the small collective.

What does sustainable living mean to you?

It means creating a lifestyle that attempts to reduce my individual or influence society's use of the Earth's natural resources and personal resources. I have been able to reduce my carbon footprint by being more mindful and altering methods of transportation, energy consumption, and diet. Every little bit counts and once you get in a habit, it just comes natural.

We live by the motto one action and one person CAN make a difference! What is one small action you take to live a more sustainable life?

I definitely believe one person can make a difference and I too love to live by this motto. I find if everyone can just take that extra little time to be more mindful and kind,  it can be as simple as to remember your keep cup, reusable shopping bag, saying no to straws and think before you shop, it can make a world of difference. One thing I really love is to purchase locally, no matter the area I may be, as much as possible, as this eliminates a tone of greenhouse gas emission + its good to support your local communities and businesses.                    

If you are a business, creator or individual who shares the same values and/or thinks you would be a great fit for our coming issues, we would love to hear from you. 


PS. Issue 02 will be available  28th  February 2020 ( keep an eye out for pre-orders)
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