Crafted by specialist artisans, KODU offers clean, premium grade ingredients and blends of your favourite teas, coffees, spices and salts all ethically produced with zero additives and inspired by people that have had an impact on the founders in some shape or form. Think small batches, combining cooking and culture to create an exquisite blend turning meals into moments. Bringing flavour, life and laughter to the simple pleasures such as cooking and tea time. We are thrilled to share KODU's story, passion and craft, creating and serving everyone's favourite luxurious blends. 

We absolutely love your philosophy- to share the everyday luxuries that make a house feel like home! It resonated so much with us as we are all about turning personal care into a self care ritual. On that note, tell us a bit about KODU. (Why the name, your inspiration to start KODU, your team and values)

Thank you! We have four founders and we all come from families that love to get together and cook. We have all been brought up to value family and community, and we’re passionate about the role that food plays in tradition and bringing everyone together. KODU is actually the Estonian word for home; as the place where we have so many amazing memories, we’ve been inspired by all of the sensory experiences that humans typically associate with their family home and so these five senses (taste, smell, sight, touch, sound) are the pillars from which we will launch all of our collections.



Kodu offers the most beautiful hand-crafted blends of teas and spices that you can almost smell and taste from your site! Every small batch blend was inspired by individuals that have undoubtedly inspired yourself. Could you share one of your favourite blends' stories?

We think of all of our blends like our children, so it’s hard to pick just one. We have just launched an entirely bespoke range of smoked salts from the Murray Darling Basin which we are really excited about. We work with local boutique suppliers and produce everything in very small quantities to maintain quality and to ensure that our customers are receiving the best possible ingredients. We love creating really unique blends and giving them a personality so that every time you cook with KODU it’s a complete experience.

What has been a defining moment within the journey of Kodu?

Probably when we started to acquire so many international customers. It’s amazing to see that people from all over the world are enjoying our products and cooking with them for their own families. To see your vision come to life and to have customers love and share in your vision is really something special. 



Can you share any exciting products, events or collaborations you’ll be bringing into 2021?

As we initially launched with our taste collection, we are very excited to release a few new products spanning over the smell, sight and touch categories in early 2021! Think luxe body and home items as well as an expanded gifting range with something for everyone.

What is a quote that guides the culture of Kodu or that resonates with you personally?

For us it’s all about quality. If we wouldn’t cook with it or gift it to our friends and family, it doesn’t make the cut. We have regular cook ups and tastings with those we love to get feedback and make adjustments before a new product is launched.

If Kodu didn’t come to be, where would you be and what would you be doing?

All of our founders have significantly varied backgrounds from business development to digital marketing and sourcing global produce. Our brand was born from a love of cooking, so if KODU didn’t come to be, you would probably still find us all in the kitchen cooking or sitting outside sharing a meal with our friends and family.

We are both tea drinkers. I often enjoy a cuppa, with a piece of dark chocolate as my 'me time' after a busy evening. What are your tips or ways to wind down after a heavy day (emotionally or physically)?

This year especially, taking care of our bodies and minds has become even more important. Time spent with family or close friends is always a great way to unwind. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and lift you up can do wonders after a stressful week at work. A long bath and a cup of our Pump the Breaks blend always does the trick as well.


Kodu were kind enough to share with us a savings code. Simply use KDRIT15 at checkout to save here

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