We are still trying to figure out what exactly happened to September 2018, but regardless HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The new year is always exciting. A fresh start with endless possibilities. We know many of you love your resolutions, however most fail to follow through. We thought we would assist by cutting to the chase to with our best personal care resolutions to make this year your best! Along with our tips for actually seeing them through! Before commencing your resolution journey:
- Set short term goals. Having a set plan for a designated period of time makes it much more manageable.
- Grab a friend. It’s always easier to stick to your resolutions when you have a partner in crime keeping you accountable.
- Keep track. Record keeping and writing down your goals on paper will allow you to see how far you have actually come and how much effort you are really putting in. It’s a great motivational tool.
- A little is better than nothing at all. Just because you only had 20 minutes to work out today, doesn’t mean you skip it all together. 20 minutes is still 20 minutes more towards your goals!
Ritology’s Self Care Resolutions:
- Stick to a solid skin care routine. To keep your skin healthy, beautiful and youthful, it’s vital to lock down a good regimen suited to your needs. Note every ones skin needs are different so do your homework to find products best suited to you.
- Drink lots of water daily! Hydrate the body and skin.
- Wear SPF every single day. We don’t care that it’s cloudy out. Nobody wants premature aging.
- Never wear make up to bed. Do you really want clogged pores, blemishes, bacteria resulting in potential infections?
- Keep your skin hydrated with a serum or high quality moisturiser. When your skin is dry, it actually products more oil which can result in increased shine! So even if your skin is oily, it still may be very well dehydrated.
- Gentle Exfoliation. Rid your skin of the dead skin cells and encourage cell regeneration for glowing youthful skin!
- Use the Eye Cream. Eyes are the first area you usually see the signs of aging. Be preventive.
- Serums will be your BFF. Hydrating, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, prevent acne, and assist with other skin conditions. There is no reason why you wouldn’t incorporate a serum into your daily routine.
- You are what you eat. So is your skin! Nutrient dense foods will assist in keeping your skin radiant and healthy all year round.
- Girl, get some rest. Your body, skin and mind need it! There’s a reason sleep is called ‘beauty rest’.
- Clean those make up brushes (and regularly, like WEEKLY!).
- Get your skin checked. Sun damage is real and it’s really hard to notice on yourself.
- Choose sustainable products. Our environment is important, for us and the future generations. Our favourite swap for the new year to get a closer, more sustainable shave. Old school safety razors are where it’s at. Sustainable, single blade, less irritation and a closer shave. Don't fall for the plastic alternatives that remove layers of skin and cause irritation with way too many blades.
- Choose smarter and healthier products. Read the labels and choose products with natural ingredients and sustainable packaging. We have one body and one world to live in, let’s keep them from harm.
- Take a bath. Unwind with some music, oils and a glass of red. Take some time for you to unwind and recoup.
What next?
Take the first step and download the Ritology Handbook of Daily Rituals to get you started with our essentials guide on how to consistently (and successfully) implement simple, beneficial and sustainable rituals into your daily routine to help you feel your best.